Class: 13

Learn PHP Functions

PHP CRUD Application

Click Here
MVC means: Model, View, Controller
MVC is a Pattern which is updated in Laravel and
used to separate the Model, View and Controller.

Class: 12

Login and Login Test here

From Here You Can Login

Click Here

Class: 11

Data Delete and Update - Data Delete From Table and there

Data Delete and Update

Click Here

Class: 10

Data Select and Show - Pick up Data from the Database & foreach() Loop

For Data Insert on the table

Click Here
Ali Hyder

Class: 09

iCT Sky Home Work about PHP Data Insert

For Registration

Click Here

Class: 08

iCT Sky Home Work about PHP Conditional and Oparator

You have Failed

Student Grade Count

Class: 07

iCT Sky Home Work about PHP Basic

Cash Out Successfully

Prime Bank Ltd.

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Class 6 Start Here

Check Out Here in button Bellow for Class-6 about Bootstrap Part-02

Click Here

Class 5 Start Here

Check Out Here in button Bellow for Class-5 about Bootstrap Part-01

Click Here

Class 4 Start Here

Check Out Here in button Bellow for Class-4 about Javascript Basic

Click Here

Class 3 Form Design

Check Out Here in button Bellow for Class-3 about html template Form Design

Click Here

Class 3 HTML Template Layout Design

Check Out Here in button Bellow for Class-3 about html template layout

Click Here

Class 2 Start Here

Check Out Here in button Bellow for Class-2 about CSS

Click Here

Class 1 Start Here

Anchore Tag Link Re-direction

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Students Of Class Nine

SL No Name Class Roll no Group Contact Photo
01 Arisha Protichi Nine 01 Science 01711-123456
02 Nina Wendy Nine 02 Science 01711-123456
03 Daina Flame Nine 03 Arts 01711-123456
04 John Doe Nine 04 Science 01711-123456